Consulting for NDIS Auditing!

NDIS service providers aim to improve the quality of life of the participants. But in recent times there are reports of less scrupulous services by some NDIS providers. In this scenario, as NDIS providers are in the limelight, you cannot get away with poor services. People usually come up in this sector as they are compassionate about humanity and they want to give optimum services for the betterment of their participants. NDIS providers are involved in a service that improves people’s quality of life and if poor service is rendered to them, it will put participants’ lives at risk. Resultantly, the decision of registration as a new NDIS provider or retaining the existing registration would depend on full compliance with NDIS compliance procedures and processes. NDIS auditing by a professional consultant will help bridge compliance gaps and will ensure quality services by a provider.

NDIS Auditing: Bringing Transparency to NDIS Businesses!

While NDIS providers are constantly striving for delivering the best services to ensure the well-being of participants, an internal audit of the organization may bring transparency to the process. It allows you to monitor and evaluate your organization’s governance and compliance with the NDIS procedures. This shows us whether we are serving the participants and other stakeholders ethically and legally or not. Internal Audit gives you an insight into whether a provider meets the standard procedure to be compliant with NDIS. Some of the highlights of compliance process are as follows:

  • Reporting Requirements
  • Incident handling and documentation of Incidents
  • Notifying NDIS about incidents

NDIS Auditing for Better Compliance:

Looking for non-conformities through an NDIS audit can be confusing and time-consuming. Eliminating these non-conformities may strengthen your business. A professional NDIS consulting like Vertex Consulting and compliance group may take responsibility for this painstaking process and keep you at peace so that you as a provider may focus on your work to the fullest. We can manage a ‘mock audit’ or what we can call a ‘gap audit’ to help identify the gaps and weaknesses in the compliance of an organization with NDIS processes and procedures. We offer auditing services for two types of Providers:

NDIS Auditing

(i)     New Providers: 

If you are planning to enter into the NDIS sector, Vertex Consulting and Compliance Group can assist you throughout the entire process of setting up a new business. Apart from setting up your company, we also assist you in meeting NDIS qualify and safeguards commission compliance requirements, preparation for quality audits, and developing your business and marketing plans enabling you to get your business operational without any hitch.      

Our internal audit will include the following services that will prepare you for the external audit:

  • Governance and operational management.
  • Risk Management.
  • Quality Management.
  • Information Management.
  • Feedback and Complaints.
  • Human Resources.
  • Participants Management.
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

(ii)     Existing Providers

Existing Providers face much tougher challenges than a new one. Existing providers constantly need to keep up with the compliance and changings in the NDIS sector. Regular internal audits may help you to identify gaps against NDIS standards to ensure that you are running an organization that is fully compliant with the NDIS standards. This will continuously help improve your processes and bring peace of mind to you that all your compliance requirements are met.

The following services are usually included in an audit for existing NDIS providers:

  • Regular detailed internal audits.
  • Preparing for re-registrations.
  • Implement a continuous improvement plan.
  • Develop and implement Risk Management System.
  • Implement processes and systems to assist you with growth.
  • Add scopes in your NDIS Commission registration (SDA, ECEI. High Care etc.).
  • Data analysis of your operational data to discover trends.
  • Payroll management, bookkeeping, and accounting compliance.
  • Legal matters.


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